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Get Ready for More Men Getting Facelifts

Facial rejuvenation is extremely popular, as we continue to live longer and maintain active lifestyle and work longer.  Facelifts are always viewed with anxiety due to the common fear of surgery and prolonged healing people worry will occur.  But they provide the most effective, definitive and natural rejuvenation results.  Historically, the facelift has been dominated by women patients.  But hot on the heels of fashion designer Marc Jacobs documenting his facelift recovery and results on social media, more men are interested and open to getting a facelift.  

In the past, there was a stigma of men getting plastic surgery.  But this is slowly going away.  As injectable treatments like neuromodulators (ie Botox, Dysport), fillers, and lasers become more routine, men are also embracing these treatments.  And as they continue to get these treatments, many discover there is a limit to what these minimally invasive procedures can achieve.  And like women, some men began to seriously consider the facelift.  

What are the considerations for men seeking facelift that are different than women?  One common complaint men have is they are more focused on the neck looseness than the facial sagginess.  Many men may be more interested in primarily lifting the neck.  However, I find that by the time most men began complaining of their neck, they’ve already demonstrated aging in the lower face and will benefit more from a lower facelift—a procedure that addresses both the face and neck.  I think this will achieve a more natural overall improvement than just lifting the neck.  For select men who have significant loose neck skin and really don’t want anything done to face, an isolated neck lift can be offered.  Bear in mind, significant sagginess in these patients may best be improved by direct neck excision.  

Once you decided you are interested in a lower facelift, you may wonder are there major differences between male and female facelifts?  For one thing, a facelift requires making incisions.  The goal for a good facelift is to design these incisions so that the scars are minimally visible.  Women have the advantage of having hair that can cover these scars.  As you know, some men have extensive balding.  In these cases, it may not be ideal to do a facelift since the scars will be quite visible.  In these cases, the patient may indeed be better served with just isolated neck lift with its more limited incisions.   

However, once you decide to get a facelift, the overall goal is the same.  A facelift aims to suspend muscle, fat, tissue and excess skin.  The same goal of achieving a natural looking result exists for both men and women.  Neither men nor women want an operated on “plastic surgery, pulled” look.  Although the overall steps are the same in men and women, there are some minor technical differences.  The first one deals with designing the incisions.  Many surgeons will place the incisions in front of your ears along a natural wrinkle as opposed to behind the tragus that we do in women.  The reason is when we suspend the deep tissue and skin, hair bearing skin (ie your beard) may ride into the ear.  Men can also have their incision placed behind the tragus, as long as the surgeon destroys the hair follicles of the skin that gets pulled up to the ear.   Another difference is men tend to have thicker skin and more robust blood supply.  This can make flap elevation a bit more tougher than women.  In addition, men have a slightly higher risk of hematoma, or bleeding after surgery.  This is why it is crucial you follow your surgeon’s request to avoid food and drugs that can increase your risk of bleeding even more.  

As I often tell my patients, frequently the best results are achieved by a combination of treatments.  Rarely does one sole procedure deliver fabulous results.  You will get even more enhancement if you also resurface your skin with a resurfacing treatment like CO2 laser or chemical peels.  The facelift resuspends sagging tissue, while the CO2 laser makes the skin itself smoother and thus more youthful.  If you have a weak chin, adding a chin implant will also give you a stronger jawline and better result.  Some patients may benefit from additional volume, like fillers or fat transfers.  

The results of a facelift don’t last forever.  We can’t stop the clock; we can only push back the clock some years.  But a good facelift should give you a rejuvenated look that lasts eight to ten years.  However, you also have to take care of your investment.  This means following good skin care regimen, wearing sunscreen religiously, keeping hydrated, and using moisturizers.  Lifestyle choices should avoid things that will age you quicker—like smoking or drinking too much.  

The best way to determine if you are a candidate for a facelift is to see a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon.  An in office consultation allows the surgeon to carefully examine your face and neck and see whether you are a good candidate for surgery.  

For more information about San Antonio male facelift surgery, please visit our interactive website at Dr. Kenneth Yu Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a qualified team of experts serving the San Antonio, Texas area. To schedule a consultation, please contact our Concierge Patient Coordinator at (210) 876-6868 or