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Ethnic Rhinoplasty

One of the great things about San Antonio is the various different ethnic backgrounds of our citizens. Many Asians, Hispanics and African Americans also are interested in rhinoplasties. However, a lot of information or public perception of rhinoplasties is still focused on the Caucasian nose. In the past, non white patients electing a rhinoplasty wouldRead More

Differences between female and male rhinoplasties

Men and women are looking into rhinoplasties, or nose jobs. While each rhinoplasty is individualized for each patient, regardless of sex, there are some general considerations to consider when doing a rhinoplasty from the gender perspective. Before I proceed, I should clarify these factors relate to cosmetic surgery. From a functional perspective, there are reallyRead More

Which is better—open or closed rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or nose job, is one of the most popular facial cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States. The nose sits prominently on the face and is a major factor in determining one’s facial harmony and beauty. In addition, the nose serve a vital function in humidifying and warming air when we breathe. One onlyRead More

Booking a Rhinoplasty for a Teenager: What You Should Know

The most common facial plastic surgery request we see in teenagers is rhinoplasty. Whether from a sports injury or from genetics, many teenagers aren’t happy with their nasal appearance. And some are so bothered by it that it affects their self-confidence or self esteem. Sometimes, unfortunately, they get teased by it. A rhinoplasty can beRead More

What Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

One of the cosmetic industry’s hottest trends is the non-surgical rhinoplasty. Simply put, non-surgical rhinoplasty is using fillers to alter the contours of the nose. One can think of the nasal appearance as made up of various contours. Traditionally, altering the contours of one’s nose requires a rhinoplasty—surgery to physically change the appearance. This mayRead More

Revision Rhinoplasties Requires a Facial Plastic Surgery Expert

  Rhinoplasties are among the most challenging surgeries a surgeon performs on the face. Every nose is different, and no one technique will always work on everyone to achieve the results you’re looking for. An additional challenge is that even after a good surgery, there is a small degree of inherent uncertainty on how yourRead More

Evolution of Rhinoplasty

One of the most popular surgeries requested in facial plastic surgery is rhinoplasty, and I thought I would comment briefly on this popular procedure. Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job,” is not just a 20th-century cosmetic procedure. As a matter of fact, the earliest references to this surgery were recorded in ancient India, byRead More

The Importance of Function in Rhinoplasty

While the desired changes to your nasal appearance are what you are most interested in, it’s also very important to remember that maintaining (or in same cases improving) proper nasal function is equally important. It’s hard to enjoy a beautiful nose if you can’t breathe. In fact, the inability to breathe can be quite distressingRead More

How Much Does a Rhinoplasty Cost

Considering getting a rhinoplasty is a major decision, and it’s normal to have trepidation about your decision. Obviously, you will have questions about the procedure itself. How painful is the recovery? How long will it take before I see the result I want? How long is the surgery? Is it done on an outpatient setting?Read More

Younger People Seeking Cosmetic Procedures

It’s a fairly common accepted observation that cosmetic surgery has become more accepted in today’s culture. Cosmetic surgery and procedures are no longer viewed as taboo and more people are more open with having “work done.” The major influence is cultural acceptance and, in some cases, even embracement by the media. The primary influence? Celebrities.Read More